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Community Blog

Pay Homage to the Hard Work of Local Artists by Attending DreamLife on Saturday Night

Image for Pay Homage to the Hard Work of Local Artists by Attending DreamLife on Saturday Night

It all begins with a dream. This Saturday, Women & Their Work will present Dreamlife, a party to sponsor and honor the organization and its artistic aims. Centered around the theme of dreams, this bash is one you’ll look forward to year after year! Check it out on April 6th beginning at 8:00 p.m.

DreamLife will celebrate the many ways that artists, past and present, female and male, have found dreams to be a source of inspiration and a space for exploring the imagination, welcoming dreams as geneses for new work. By actualizing the subconscious, artists have shown us what dreaming looks like: from portrayals of sleepers and dreamers in bed, to the dreamscapes in our minds, to the configuration of visual symbols that create narratives. The subconscious is fantastically colorful, acutely personal, and a universal experience: though not everyone is an artist, everyone makes art in their dreams.

The spring bash is an immersive art party extraordinaire. The evening will feature performance art, a dreamlike photo booth, tarot readings, music, video projections and more. DreamLife VIP party-goers will sip on specialty cocktails and catered delights during a pre-party reception and have the first chance to buy art from a small collection curated specifically for this event. Hair stylist Tisa Watson and makeup artist Lady B will provide attendees with party-ready hair and makeup styling. Suggested attire for the evening is psychedelic bedclothes.

Women & Their Work is a visual and performing arts organization located in Central Austin that serves as a catalyst for contemporary art created by women living and working in Texas and beyond. For 40 years, Women & Their Work has brought groundbreaking art to Austin, with exhibitions, performances, and educational workshops.

Support local artists and Women & Their Work when you buy tickets to DreamLife! Sponsorship-level and individual tickets are available for purchase at www.womenandtheirwork.org.

Oxford at Tech Ridge Apartments, providing the perfect balance of comfortable and convenient apartments in Austin, Texas, is helping spread the word about this special event happening in our community! We believe it’s in your best interest to attend with family and friends!

Event Time/Date:
Saturday, April 6, 2019—8:00 PM

Event Venue Location:
Daphne House
1419 Newning Avenue
Austin, Texas 78704

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