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Don’t Miss Your Favorite Roadside Attractions with this Helpful Tip

Image for Don’t Miss Your Favorite Roadside Attractions with this Helpful Tip

One of the best parts about going on a road trip is stopping at fun and interesting roadside attractions. But how do you find all those quirky, off the beaten path places? Simply visit RoadsideAmerica.com to find over 10,000 odd and fascinating places. You’ll find interactive maps, a blog featuring such treasures as the Sight of the Week and Latest Tips, and a great search feature. So, if you are up for seeing the world’s largest six pack of beer in Wisconsin, a giant peach water tower in South Carolina, or a field of Cadillacs buried nose down in Texas, be sure to make RoadsideAmerica.com the first stop on your trip.

Oxford at Tech Ridge Apartments in Austin, Texas goes out of our way to ensure that you live the lifestyle you have always desired and deserved. These helpful tips go beyond the scope of services we offer in our community in order to provide you with a more efficient daily routine.

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