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Get Your Fill of Film and Fun at This Film Festival and Casino Party

Image for Get Your Fill of Film and Fun at This Film Festival and Casino Party
The Autism Society of Central Texas is excited to host our first ever Autism Film Festival at Alamo Drafthouse, with a party at The Highball, presented by Catapult and Microsoft. Party includes food, fun, karaoke, casino games, Paddles Up, and silent auction! All funds raised stay here in Central Texas to support individuals with autism.

Why a film festival? Through film and video we can raise awareness in a broader community about life with autism. The films show a range of ages and abilities, and the challenges and triumphs, (however big or small), that living with autism can bring. Viewers will also witness the dedication and support so many families provide to give individuals with autism the greatest chance of reaching their full potential. These films tell our story. All funds raised will stay here in Central Texas to support our mission of improving the lives of all affected by autism.

Film Festival Schedule
2:30 pm: “The Family Next Door”, panel discussion following the film. This film is sponsored by ASpIRe.
5 pm: Casino Party at The Highball begins
7:30 pm: “Life, Animated”
9:30 pm: “Jack of the Red Hearts”

Theater doors open 30 minutes before each film begins. Event is for adults only. Theaters will have adjusted light & sound to accommodate the sensory needs of our guests.

Although we provide the utmost luxury at Oxford at Tech Ridge Apartments in Austin, Texas, we realize that you need to get out and socialize with those in your surrounding community. This event gives you the chance to do just that! Don’t hesitate to attend today!

Event Time/Date:
Sunday, October 16, 2016 – 5:00 PM

Event Venue Location:
Alamo Drafthouse South Lamar
1120 South Lamar Boulevard
Austin, Texas 78704

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