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Make Time for a Fashion Design Mixer on Burnet Road

Image for Make Time for a Fashion Design Mixer on Burnet Road
Are you interested in fashion? Do you want to create a fashion line? Do you want to show the world your fashion and personality?

Fashion Designers and Models of the future: The Mixer is an opportunity to gather at #ASFD to explore numerous possibilities the future holds. BeiN Xposed + Austin School Of Fashion Design want you to be part of their classes, workshops, lectures, and community. Enjoy a social soiree of mingling with the right people, who will give you the information you need. 

If you feel like escaping Oxford at Tech Ridge Apartments in Austin, Texas for the day, this event is a perfect opportunity to do just that! 

Event Time/Date: Event Venue: 
Friday, August 26, 2016 - 7:00 PM 

Event Venue Location:
Austin School of Fashion Design 
6001 Burnet Road
Austin, Texas 78757

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