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Do You Know Who Barbara Jordan Is? If Not, You Probably Should High-Tail It to This Exhibit

Image for Do You Know Who Barbara Jordan Is? If Not, You Probably Should High-Tail It to This Exhibit

An exhibit will be on display at the Texas State Capitol through February 22nd, honoring the life of Barbara Jordan.

Barbara Jordan remains a remarkable inspiration to America and the world. When she died in 1996, she left a vision of America as a nation that stands for children, for justice, and for freedom. She knew that our future depends upon all children having the opportunity to learn, to work, and to succeed. She believed that just as our nation had abolished slavery and segregation, we could overcome the pockets of injustice that still exist in education, employment, health care, and the justice system.

Barbara Jordan recognized that freedom is not the privilege of the few but the right of everyone. These are not partisan issues. They are common beliefs that bind us together as a nation. "E pluribus unum" ("In unity, we are one"), Ms. Jordan was fond of saying. Together we must form "a national community."

To highlight the works of one of the most impactful African American female leaders in history, the Barbara Jordan Freedom Foundation will display an interactive exhibit of Barbara Jordan’s life. The audio and visual tribute is designed to highlight the significant impact Jordan made on civil rights legislation, social justice, female empowerment, and education. In addition to Black History Month, February also features Barbara Jordan Freedom Week, as designated by the 82nd Texas Legislature.

This event is hosted by The Barbara Jordan Freedom Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization that formed on February 21, 2011, on what would have been her 75th birthday. The Founding Trustees have embraced Ms. Jordan's optimistic vision for the future and established the organization's mission, vision, and values. For additional information, visit www.barbarajordanfreedomfoundation.org or call 512-463-4630. Admission is free!

Oxford at Tech Ridge, providing the perfect balance of comfortable and convenient apartments in Austin, Texas, is helping spread the word about this special event happening in our community! We believe it’s in your best interest to attend with family and friends!

Event Time/Date:
Wednesday, February 19, 2020—7:00 AM

Event Venue Location:
Texas State Capitol
1100 Congress Avenue
Austin, Texas 78701

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