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Test your Knowledge with Trivia Night at Flying Saucer Draught Emporium

Image for Test your Knowledge with Trivia Night at Flying Saucer Draught Emporium

Join us for Trivia Night hosted by Flying Saucer on Tuesday, May 3rd. We have the back room reserved, so if you have trouble finding the group just ask a server to direct you to the back room.

The trivia is run in-house and the questions are created in-house also. There are 3 rounds with 10 questions per round. The first round is always Current Events, and the next 2 rounds will have their own random theme. There is no rule regarding how many people you can have per team. The only rule is that you cannot be on your phone during a round, or you'll be disqualified for cheating.

Although we provide the utmost luxury at Oxford at Tech Ridge Apartments in Austin, Texas, we realize that you need to get out and socialize with those in your surrounding community. This event gives you the chance to do just that! Don’t hesitate to attend today!

Event Date/Time:
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 – 7:30 PM

Event Venue Location:
Flying Saucer Draught Emporium
815 W. 47th Street
Austin, Texas 78751

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